Health Benefits of Painting for adults - Infographic

Painting can help adults with a range of conditions, such as anxiety to cancer.

Here are a few more benefits:

Here’s How to Plan the Best Baby Shower Décor at Home


A baby shower is a party celebrated in the honor of an arriving baby, usually hosted and organized by a close relative or friend of the mother-to-be. Decorating your house for such an event allows you to choose from various fun options. However, from choosing a theme and deciding the menu to getting all the décor supplies, the baby shower can be quite demanding! Thus, we’ve highlighted some excellent décor ideas to make the job easy for you!

1. Choose a Theme

Having a theme-based baby shower will help you to explore your ideas, making your décor look well-thought-out and professional. Deciding a theme is completely up to you, but here are some great ideas to help you out!

  • Jungle theme- nowadays, a safari or a jungle theme is common for baby showers. You can decorate the room with mixed yellow and green ribbons, making it appear like vines. You may also add miniature toys of lions and monkeys to nail this theme.
  • Fairy tale theme- a fairy tale theme is perfect to celebrate the coming of a baby girl. Use decorative flowers and pearl sprays to enhance the overall fairy tale theme.
  • Color-based theme- the theme of your baby shower can also be color-based. Use any two colors throughout your room to establish a color-based theme.

2. Decorate the Wall and Ceilings

Think about how you will design the walls and ceiling. You will need all the party supplies required to perfect your friend’s baby shower. Ensure to get the following party items:

  • Balloons
  • Paper plates
  • Cups
  • Napkins
  • Tablecloth
  • Flowers and fairy lights
  • Flora tapes
  • Miniature plastic objects
  • Frames
  • Flag garlands

Try decorating the walls with cute baby clothes, socks, bibs, and booties. For the ceiling, you may hang baby accessories like pacifiers, baby bottles, and rattles.

3. Create the Right Atmosphere

The best way to make your friend's baby shower memorable is by creating the right atmosphere. Play soothing, soft music to play throughout the event to set off the baby shower vibe. Additionally, use scented candles and air fresheners to create an overall pleasant atmosphere.

If you wish to purchase all the right supplies for the baby shower from a single shop, reach out to us! At ArtCove Crafts and Hobbies, we provide various party supplies like craft pompoms, craft dolls, mirrors, and beads. Contact us today to buy these amazing supplies!

3 Low-Cost but Fun Hobbies to Try

The world is moving too fast, and all of us are immersed too much in our daily chores. However, it’s important to take breaks regularly and indulge in rest and fun activities. Unfortunately, most fun activities like traveling to new places or buying expensive clothes can cost a lot of money. Does that mean you should just keep living your daily boring life? No, as we are here to help!

From arts and crafts to gardening, here are some low-cost, fun hobbies you can try. Scroll down and read.

Do Yoga

A fun activity that doesn’t cost much and is good for your health! Does it get better than this? Start by looking for a yoga mat. However, if you don’t want to purchase a yoga mat, you can also use easily-available alternatives like a quilt, rug, blanket, or towel. Once you’ve got the yoga spot set, open YouTube and follow yoga tutorials for beginners. Not only does yoga benefit heart health and reduce joint pains, but it also helps your body and mind relax. Therefore, get those yoga pants out and prepare to stretch today!

Teach Yourself a New Language

If you’re someone that loves exploring new cultures, this one is for you! Moreover, this also costs nothing. Just find online tutorials, keep a pen and notebook around, and start learning. Moreover, you can also listen to podcasts or watch movies in other languages to learn!

Indulge in Art

Many people believe that studying and doing art is for the rich. However, let us remind you that creating art doesn’t mean painting replica portraits or making statues. Indulging in art means that you can literally create anything. Start by recycling old stuff like newspapers and broken plates and transforming it into simple handicrafts. Moreover, you can also use extra paper in your house to create origami, which would look really pretty as a house decoration item. It doesn’t matter what kind of art you choose to do, as long as you enjoy doing it!

Even though you don’t need expensive art supplies to enjoy doing art, we recommend buying affordable art supplies to enhance the experience. At Art Cove, you can buy art and craft material of your choice. From craft mirrors to wooden embroidery, we have any art supplies that you could possibly need. Visit our website to buy art supplies online, and let a fun journey begin!

How to Make Funky Jewelry at Home? A Guide


Jewelry shopping is fun, but it gets boring eventually, especially when everything looks the same. However, you can stand out from the crowd by creating funky jewelry yourself. And making funky jewelry at home isn’t that difficult! All you need are jewelry-making supplies with loads of creative ideas, and you’re good to go!

Here’s your complete guide to making funky jewelry at home.

Gather Material

Whenever you embark on your jewelry-making journey, the best idea is to start with simple ideas and cheap supplies. Many jewelry supply stores sell jewelry-making kits worth hundreds of dollars, but we wouldn’t advise purchasing that for a beginner. Buy some glass, wood, or plastic beads instead of buying gold or semi-precious stones. Moreover, buy wires, some simple tools from any jewelry-making store, and a few strings. Another important element that you shouldn’t forget are clasps that you’ll need for chains, earrings, and rings. Again you shouldn’t buy chains made from expensive material.

Design Ideas

When we say that making jewelry yourself is a powerful, therapeutic experience, we’re speaking the truth. You’ll agree with us as soon as you start designing your own jewelry. For this step, all you need is a pen and some paper. Start by deciding what kind of jewelry you want. Is your first piece going to be funky, classic, or modern? Do you want to create long dazzling earrings, a classic pendant necklace, or an over-the-top ring? Sketch the design on paper, and make changes to the design wherever needed.

Remember, a great design is the key to creating a gorgeous piece of jewelry. You can also explore blogs and online tutorials for inspiration. We encourage you to get as creative as you would like.

Assemble Everything Based on the Design

Once you’re satisfied with the magic you’ve created on paper, it’s time to create a funky piece of jewelry. If you’re making a bracelet, assemble beads into a string. Moreover, you can add DIY flowers, beads, and other materials into a chain for a necklace. For a ring, you can add beads to a ring clasp. Remember to use the strongest adhesive you can find to ensure the durability of your DIY funky jewelry.

The right material makes all the difference when making your own funky jewelry. Without high-quality, low-cost jewelry-making suppliesjewelry-making supplies, you’ll be disappointed by the end products. At Art Cove, we have discount beads and jewelry-making supplies that we deliver throughout the country. Visit our website, purchase the beads and jewelry supplies you want, and surprise everyone around you by rocking those DIY funky earrings!

3 Easy Handicrafts for Your Children


As technology gets incorporated into our daily lives, children can use devices like smartphones, tablets, and TV for a major part of their day. However, according to research by the National Institute of Health, the excessive use of these gadgets can negatively affect the cognitive part of their brain. Therefore, parents should ensure that their children use devices as little as possible. But is that easy?

By indulging your children in other activities like arts and crafts, sports, or reading, you can minimize their screen time. Here are some easy handicrafts that your children can make.

Ice Cream Stick Numbers

If your child is still learning to count, this is the right handicraft for them! It’s super simple to make; even a child aged 3–4 can make this. Moreover, it allows your child to learn numbers in a fun way.

Start by collecting ice cream sticks. If you don’t have some at your home, you can purchase them from a store. Write numbers on one corner of the stick with a permanent marker, and carefully using glitter glue, make dots on the stick. For instance, create nine dots for the number 9. Set it out to dry, and your child can use it whenever!

Cardboard Tic-Tac-Toe

Oh, we miss those times, playing Tic-Tac-Toe with our mates during boring lectures. We’re sure you miss them too, therefore here’s a way to recall the memories with your children. Purchase small magnets from a nearby store and recycle a box in your house. Cut small crosses and circles from the cardboard, and stick magnets behind them to create fridge magnets. Draw Tic-Tac-Toe lines on your fridge, and you’re good to go!

With this, if you see your child glued to the Xbox, you can call them into the kitchen for a healthy snack and a Tic-Tac-Toe marathon.

Glass and Plate Painting

You never know, your child could be the next Vincent Van Gogh if you provide them with a canvas, some paints, and brushes. Provide them with paints, brushes, and encourage them to paint on cracked glasses or plates. You can display these as decoration pieces and show off your children’s painting skills!

However, to help your kids enjoy handicrafts, you need to stock up on affordable craft supplies. At Art Cove, we sell various discount craft supplies online. From craft pom poms to craft bells, you can find craft supplies at reasonable rates on our online craft store. Visit our website and witness your kids enjoying craft jingle bells!

Health Benefits of Painting - Infographic


Having a creative hobby like painting may improved the overall quality of your life. It proves to be therapeutic and very beneficial for your mental and physical health.

Six Health Benefits of Coloring for Adults


Gone are the days when coloring was only limited to children. Over the years, science has proven with substantial data that art and craft is not only a childhood pastime but can also be a therapeutic activity for adults combatting mental and physical illnesses. Coloring can help adults with a range of conditions, ranging from anxiety to cancer.

So if you’re battling stress or want to boost cognitive abilities, coloring should be your newfound hobby. And not just for those struggling, coloring can also be beneficial for adults who wish to improve their mental capabilities.

Coloring Helps Mediate

Just like mediation that allows you to zone out, coloring helps your mind achieve mindfulness. By sitting down to color after a long day at work, you can achieve full control of your mind as you’ll solely be focusing on the aesthetics of the color schemes and intricate designs specifically made for adult coloring books. This is like achieving a state of mind where nothing else will interfere, and you’ll only be motivated to complete the task at hand with utmost perfection.

Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Coloring can help people struggling with anxiety and stress with its soothing and relaxing features. This provides a catharsis opportunity for people who can calm their juggling thoughts and fidgety hands by indulging in something productive and eye-pleasing. Adult coloring books are designed in such a way that the results are prone to make the doer feel happy and accomplished.

Improves Cognition and Focus

Coloring involves all parts of the brain coordinating with the hands and eyes. When an adult is coloring, both the brain’s hemispheres will be giving directions for hand and eye coordination. The amygdala will be working efficiently to provide instructions. This, in turn, improves focus in adults and enhances their cognitive abilities.

Improves Sleep

Most of the bedtime activities that involve screen time cause adults to lose their precious sleep. This is because light increases melatonin in our bodies that keeps us awake. By surrounding yourself with art supplies as your bedtime activity, you can limit the exposure to light and screen, which will help you sleep better.

Therapy for Illnesses

Coloring is known to be beneficial for people suffering from depression due to cancer or those with dementia’s symptoms. By helping improve focus and bring down stress levels, coloring provides therapeutic effects for certain illnesses.

Revive Childhood Memories

For most adults, reminiscing about childhood memories brings happiness and positivity. Albeit designed differently to cater to adults’ needs, coloring books can help you live your childhood once again. The whole coloring activity, therefore, allows adults to put aside negative emotions and thoughts that are unpleasant, and they can find themselves being happy, reminiscing the best memories of their lives.

Get Your Art Supplies Now

For people suffering from mental and physical illnesses, coloring has a range of health benefits. To get started with adult coloring, you can buy art supplies online at Art Cove. We have a range of colors, paints, adult coloring books and pads. Moreover, we also provide knitting supplies, crochet supplies and all other art and crafts supplies across the U.S. Contact us here for more information.

The Ultimate Guide to Resin Art for Beginners


Resin has garnered a lot of popularity in the last decade or so as an art and craft supply. Previously limited to industrial use, resin, also known as epoxy resin, is now a favorite among craft lovers who use it as a base for art projects or finishing purposes.

So if you want to try your hands on making a resin artwork for your living room, this is your guide to start resin-ing.

Material and Tools

Resin art involves a handful of supplies and tools, and to start with it, you should have your hands on all the required stuff.

Epoxy Resin

Epoxy resin is a liquid substance with adhesive quality used as the basis of resin art. This can be poured on any surface or mold to achieve the desired result.


A hardener is the second component of resin art that’s mixed with epoxy to transform it into a hard, plastic-like substance.

Mold or Canvas

Depending on the artwork you want to make, you’ll need a mold or canvas to work on. If you’re making a keychain, you’ll need a mold for shaping the resin, and if you’re looking for a wall clock with resin art, you’ll need a canvas to put in all the elements.

Masks, Gloves and Goggles

To ensure the safety of your skin, eyes and respiration, you’ll need to wear protective gear when working with resin.


Pigments for colors, glitter and other decorative material are needed to enhance the beauty of resin art. Depending on what you have in mind, you’ll need materials like plastic beads, buttons, flowers etc.


Measuring cups, spatula, mixers and other tools will be needed to work with resin. You may also need a silicon mat or sheets to cover the area, as working with resin can be messy.

Get Started

Here’s your step-by-step guide to making something stunning out of resin.


Watch tutorials, take a look at Pinterest and decide what kind of resin artwork you want to create. Follow these steps when working with resin:


By now, you must have all the tools to carry out the artwork. Prepare the area you’ll work in and set your tools.


Mix the epoxy with a hardener to get started. Determine the ratio of your epoxy and hardener, depending on the design you’re aiming to create.


Pour the resin mix on the canvas or mold to achieve the desired art.


Add decorative elements such as glitters, twigs, buttons, etc., to add an exciting touch to your artwork.


Finish with a finishing spray, glossy glaze or another layer of epoxy resin.


Resin artworks usually require 72 hours to harden and cure. Once you have completed your piece, wait it out and enjoy the spectacular piece of art you have made.

If you’re interested in getting started with resin art, head over to Art Cove for bulk art supplies. We have over 8,000 craft supplies online, including plaster molds, plastic beads and other elements for resin art. Get in touch today to place an order.

Make Occasions Special with These DIY Crochet Gifts


Nothing beats handmade gifts and greeting cards; they show sentiment, love and a very warm gesture from the giver to the receiver. After all, giving gifts is all about showing care for those you love and those around you, and handmade gifts are the best way to do so.

To make gifts even more special for your loved ones this time around, try your hands on DIY crochet gifts that you can make with easy-on-the-pocket crochet supplies. There’s so much you can do with crochet, from creating simple coasters to mittens. So why not add to the joy of your loved ones by making some cute, personalized gifts for the near and dear ones?

Crochet Hangings

One of the simplest things to make from crochet is hangings with small wooden rings or frames. Choose the brightest colors for the younger ones and sober, soft colors for the older ones in your family and create beautiful crochet hanging that can be hung in the kitchen or the main door.

Sweaters and Poncho

It’s wintertime, and what’s better a gift than a warm, cozy sweater or poncho made of crochet. You can also try your hands on a conventional sweater with knitting supplies available online. But if you want to take a different route with impressive results, pick a DIY crochet sweater gift.

Coasters and Mug Covers

Coasters and mug covers made of crochet are cute looking and very practical. So to gift your loved ones crochet items that they can use all year long, make matching mug covers and coaster sets. You can definitely choose the favorite colors of the people you are making these sets for or customize them by adding their initials in the design.

Scarfs and Mufflers

If you’re short on time or have a little practice with crochet DIY, take the easy task of making a crochet scarf or mufflers. These are cute, easy to make and very handy to use during the winter season. Maybe skip the matching sweaters for Christmas this year-round and gift the family matching mufflers to adorn the family pictures.

Caps and Mittens

Another useful crochet gift for the winters is cap and mittens pair. These crochet gifts are easy to make and look beautiful when worn. You can opt for bright color schemes or a matching pair of mittens and caps to gift individuals in the family. Nonetheless, your gifts will be everyone’s favorite.

Crochet Toys

If you are up for a challenge and have time at hand, make special gifts for the kids of the family with handmade crochet toys and craft dolls. You can choose various designs, characters and shapes to make crochet toys that are cuddly, safe and wanted by everyone. To save time, you can make small-sized toys that take approximately one to two hours to make.

Find All Crochet Supplies Here

If you are tempted to try your hands on DIY crochet gifts and need supplies to complete the project, check out crochet supplies at Art Cove. We also have a range of 8,000 art and craft products, including knitting supplies, jewelry supplies and embroidery hoops. Contact us to place orders all over the U.S. and Canada.

Beading Essentials - Infographic


Like many forms of art and craft, you need to have some basic supplied on hand in order to create bead embroidery, such as:


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