Types of Art Paints - Infographic


Choosing a paint to use can be overwhelming at times due to the various types.

Here are some of them that are different in style and properties and make a big impact on your art project:

Craft Supplies For When You Are Homeschooling


Many parents find the idea of homeschooling scary, but around 4% of the American school-going population is homeschooled, amounting to approximately 800,000 students. When first starting, parents may focus on more academic topics. However, arts and crafts are just as essential for a child's development.

The total spend on arts and craft supplies amounts to over $40 billion in America. Not only do craft projects help educate and build key abilities, your children learn physical strength, coordination, and a variety of logical skills while having fun, experimenting, and creating. Such projects can also provide a strong foundation for handwriting, math, and science, among other subjects.

Here is a compilation of the craft materials you need when homeschooling:


Some supplies will come in handy no matter what the project. You should have these essential items in your stack at all times.

  • Paper: Whether it's construction paper or tissue paper, most projects will require the use of a card or paper.
  • Scissors: This is a no-brainer. Stock up on various pairs of scissors so you are ready to tackle every kind of project.
  • Ruler: Measuring things out before starting on a project will cut any complications in half so everything can run smoothly.


These small acrylic balls are very versatile. You can stick some together to make crystal-like décor or string them through a cord to make jewelry, it's guaranteed to keep those little hands busy. Selecting and manipulating beads and jewelry supplies will improve your kids' motor skills too!

Pipe Cleaners

They're flexible, colorful, and useful — what's not to like? From squiggly worms to bubble wands, your little one can create an array of projects with pipe cleaners. With your supervision, your child can learn how to follow instructions, aiding their development in the long run.

Googly Eyes

They are small but amusing. These little things can elevate any craft project and add a bit of fun to it. Add these to your craft supply stash, and you won't regret it! Sticking these eyes on various objects can help improve your children's patience and focus.

Play Dough

Enhance your child's imagination skills with an afternoon of play dough projects. Kids love getting their hands dirty and creating fun shapes.

Popsicle Sticks

Birdhouses, animals, wands — there are countless things you can use popsicle sticks for. Get your child to glue a few together and use craft paint to decorate them, depending on the project.

If you're considering having your kids homeschooled, Art Cove has all these craft supplies available and more at their hobbies and crafts online store. Contact us to help you with your craft material needs.

Arts And Craft Supplies For Your Summer Camp

Around 30% of American parents send their kids to summer camp, and the market size amounts to $3 billion. Keep these kids entertained all summer with various crafting projects. You’ll need an array of craft materials to make sure the kids can get their creative juices flowing, and they all leave as happy campers!

String Bracelets

Friendship bracelets will always carry important memories. Arrange for the kids to create jewelry for their friends during the summer. Pull the beads through the string and tie a knot at the end to secure it. This will keep the kids occupied for a while as there are countless bead and jewelry supplies to choose from!

Craft Paint

You’ll find numerous stones in the outdoors. Why not make the most of them and use them for a camp craft? Painted rocks make fantastic keepsakes, and the kids can share the story behind their artwork around the campfire!

Bubble Wands

There’s something about bubbles that makes everyone happy. Create some bubble wands with easy-to-find craft supplies: some popsicle sticks and fuzzy pipe cleaners. Simply bend the fuzzies into a loop and stick it onto the stick.

Yarn Animals

Here’s another use for the popsicle sticks! Glue the sticks together to create the structure for the insect or animal the kids want to make. Then, wrap the yarn around to bring the form to life. They can have all the fun they want with the colors and shapes.

Clay Faces

Help the kids collect small stones and leaves to create clay faces. After creating the shape of the face with the clay, they can use stones or twigs for the eyes and mouth, while soil or leaves can act as the hair. Let them get creative and collect whatever their heart desires (as long as it’s safe).

At Art Cove, we have thousands of arts and craft supplies available on our online store. Visit our website to browse all the craft materials you’ll need for the kids and their projects at summer camp.

If you’re not sure about the kind of supplies you need, you can contact us, and we would be happy to help. We also have a 24/7 customer support line, so you can get in touch outside office hours too!

Summer Craft Supplies You Need ForThe 4th of July


Can you believe summer is nearly here? Before you know it, your towns will be painted red and blue. With Independence Day approaching, you’ll need all the help in creating some festive decor. Last year, retail sales of arts and crafts supplies in the United States amounted to over $1 million.

We’ve compiled a list of craft supplies you should stock up on for the 4th of July. Over 60% of households participate in a craft each year, so keep your family busy by creating these holiday decor items.

Paper Sparklers

To mimic the fireworks you’ll no doubt see on the 4th, you can create your mini paper sparklers. All you need is a few pages of red and blue tissue paper and some tape, and you’re good to go.

DIY Table Decor

Fill up a glass with some white, red, and blue pompoms. Not only will this embellish your tables and brighten up your space, but it’ll also get everyone in the holiday spirit! Buy craft pompoms , and you’re already halfway there!

Straw Garland

Everyone has paper or plastic straws lying around at home. Cut them up and glue them vertically to a piece of string to create a colorful garland! You’ll just need to add string and glue to your collection of craft materials.

Embellished Napkins

The holidays call for a great table setting, and what’s a good table arrangement without beautiful napkins? Spruce up your generic white napkins with some decorative lace. Use a needle and thread to add your lace so it won’t budge when they’re in the wash. Or, if you want a quick fix, you can even use your hot glue gun!

Parade Stick

You’d be surprised with what you can make with limited art supplies. A hole puncher, colored washi tape, and any tube (an aluminum foil one will do) are all you need to create a patriotic parade stick. Wrap the tape around the tube in order of the flag’s colors and use the hole punch to create the stars, and you’re done!

Tiered Plant Stand

You can display your flowers on your porch by creating your festive planter. Stack three bowls (in ascending order) from top to bottom and stick them together with a hot glue gun. Then, add all three with soil and plant your herbs or flowers!

Art Cove is a leading online craft store, and we have been providing arts and craft supplies for decades. Contact us to buy all your 4th of July craft supplies online

Art Supplies Every Artist Should Have - Infographic


Investing in the best art supplies will not make you an artist, but it'll help you take your work to the next level.

Team Building through Clay Projects: All You Need to Know


Years of research have proved the importance of team-building exercises, open communication, and the importance of bonding between humans.

Not only do these improve one’s physical health, but humans seem to thrive and excel when assisted and supported by other people.

The fact is we are social animals. And we need each other to succeed in life, be it personal or professional.

That may be the reason why group therapy, depending on the nature of the problem, can be an ideal choice for addressing concerns and making positive changes in your life.

And when you introduce ‘clay projects in the mix, things get even better.

Working with clay is therapeutic, just like art therapy.

Children are encouraged to play with play-doh and clay to explore their sensory development and fine motor skills. The same way many adults find it soothing to play and create with this natural material.

We recommend clay projects with both: air-dry clay and polymer oven-bake clay as both are fun and easy to use.

Social interaction and De-stress:

In most business settings, we tend to be focused on work. Playing with clay will help the employees relax and act as an ice-breaker.

Laughing at their sculptures and being in an environment with no pressure to produce perfection will allow them to be themselves to each other, which will help them bond.

Assigning a prize for the wackiest pot or tray can also get their creative juices flowing!

Air-dry clay available at Artcove is the best to work with as it is super pliable and yet allows you to produce a permanent work of art!

Plus, it does not require oven baking.

Clay projects are a great form of therapy from groups to offices as they allow individuals to de-stress, be mindful, and recharge.

Team Building and Problem Solving

Introducing a challenge and dividing the participants into teams encourage social interaction, communication, and teamwork.

The teams will be given a problem or challenge, and they have to work together and use clay to mold and create a solution.

The process itself is therapeutic, creative, and fun. At the same time, if required, company goals and agendas can be highlighted. A focus on ‘making the most of limited resources or ‘water conversation’ can be a part of the problem.

These activities can also be used to highlight diversity, nature, and women in the workplace.

These workplace projects will highlight the importance of teamwork, allowing teams to understand each other’s strengths, weaknesses, and interests.

Look deep within: Self-exploration

Have you worked with clay or play-doh blindfold?

This activity will allow you to focus on your sense of touch by sculpting but without sight. Participants will be asked to use their sense of touch, memory, and senses to see what they can create when they’re deprived of sight.

This can also be used to explain the importance of teamwork- and communication. One team member will be able to see and will give instructions to the other member who will be blindfolded and has to create.

You can find clay and other craft supplies to plan activities for workshops, training, and team-building activities on Artcove. Get In touch with us, and we’ll be happy to help you plan it!

How to Make Toothpick Sculptures Using Only a Glue Gun


These days, DIY art projects can require a so much material that if you’re on a budget, it can be quite difficult to collect all the necessary craft supplies. Not having everything can really take away the fun from the process of arts & crafts.

That’s why we’re going to introduce a simple project that requires just 2 craft supplies, but is just as engaging and fun as one that’s full-scale! Making a complex toothpick structure is as easy as can be. Toothpicks are wonderful material to work with because they’re lightweight, inexpensive, disposable, and you’ll manage to find them in abundance in your home. If you don’t have any on-hand, you can get them from a nearby pharmacy.

The other tool you’re going to need is a glue gun. It’s a hand-held “gun” that uses electricity to melt thermoplastic polymer tubular sticks to produce a liquid adhesive. This glue can be used as a better alternative to regular glue, because it has a shorter setting time and allows stronger bonding. You can purchase a cost-effective glue gun from our arts & crafts department at Art Cove. We supply the highest quality craft supplies at budget-friendly prices online and deliver all across the US.

Now let’s get started with toothpick sculpture making!

What You’ll Need

1. A glue gun

2. A pack of toothpicks

3. A small piece of sponge foam (optional)

Safety Considerations

Since heat is involved during the use of a glue gun, make sure to follow all these safety rules!

1. Wear leather or heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands.

2. Make sure no flammable items are nearby while you work with the glue gun.

3. Lay out newspapers at the station before starting the project so you can dispose of them later and not create a mess.

4. There’s a metal safety stand present near the nozzle of every glue gun. When not in use, use the stand to place the glue gun upright.

The Process

If you’re a beginner, it’s easier to start with abstract toothpick figures rather than trying to create sculptures of actual objects. Here’s what the process for making abstract toothpick sculptures using a glue gun looks like:

1. Load a glue stick through the grip ring at the end of the glue gun.

2. Plug the gun in a nearby power outlet, then set the gun aside using the safety metal stand and allow the stick to be heated up adequately.

3. As you wait for the glue to melt, in the meanwhile, take a sponge foam piece and stick a few starter toothpicks into it. This serves as the foundation of your sculpture that helps it stay upright. Alternatively, you can create a stable base using the toothpicks themselves. For example, you can create a thick column of toothpicks by bunching several one by one as you stick them together vertically using the glue gun. Next, create a flat horizontal base in a similar fashion to stick the column on.

4. Press the trigger on the glue gun to allow the flow of glue, and aim and stick toothpicks creatively from the ground up. Since you’re creating an abstract figure, there are no rules. Freely come up with random patterns and shapes with respect to the center of balance of your sculpture.

We keep a variety of hundreds of different arts & crafts supplies exactly because we want you to be inspired! Browse supplies by department and place your order now.

Cool Epoxy Resin Project Ideas


Amongst many arts & crafts mediums that have become more mainstream in the past few years, epoxy resin use in particular has seen a wonderful boom in popularity. The reason behind this is pretty straightforward. Sculpture art and ornaments that use glass have always been sought-after for their glossy, luminescent appearance, but they require industrial-scale tools and heat. Epoxy resin, on the other hand, allows you to achieve the same results easily at home.

Epoxy resin is an artificially produced polyepoxide containing polymers that carry epoxide groups which are known for their strong adhesive qualities. Crafting sculptures using epoxy resin happens in a way similar to the naturally occurring phenomenon of amber formation.

Originally, epoxy resin is in a runny form, which is then combined with various beautifying material like glitter and dyes, followed by the mixture being solidified using a hardener to give rise to the desired final form. You can purchase cost-effective epoxy resin from our selection of jewelry-making supplies at Art Cove. We supply the highest quality arts & craft supplies at budget-friendly prices online and deliver all across the US.

Here’s a rundown on several cool epoxy resin project ideas to try during a lockdown!

Safety Considerations

Before you start an epoxy resin project, make sure the area you’re working in is properly ventilated. Wear gloves, a mask and in the off chance you notice an allergic reaction happening, stop the project immediately.

1. Coasters

Coasters are small mats you place on your table to keep your glass or mug on. To create coasters from epoxy resin, you will need:

  • Epoxy resin and hardener
  • Silicone coaster molds
  • Inks and glitter

Start by using a measuring cup and mix equal amounts of resin and hardener. Stir the mixture for 3 minutes. During this, for added beauty you can also stir in some glitter and inks with colors of your choosing. Pour the mixture into the coaster mold, and remove any bubbles you see by blowing into the mix with a straw.

Once done, set the mold aside for an entire day to allow it to harden, and then take the now solid coaster out from its mold.

2. Jewelry

You can make wearable ornaments and pieces of jewelry from epoxy resin, and you’ll need the following material:

  • Resin and hardener
  • Silicone molds with small decorative shapes
  • Dried flower, glitter, inks
  • Jewelry fixtures like hooks, clasps, wires

Similar to the coaster-making process, mix equal parts of resin and hardener and stir for several minutes. If you want to add glitter and dyes, do it during this step and mix. If you want to add dried flowers, do that after you’ve poured in the first layer of resin into the jewelry making mold. Pour in as many layers of resin needed into the molds in order to fill them up, then keep them aside to solidify for 24 hours. The next day, de-mold your jewelry and pierce a hole on top of a piece to insert a fixture. For earrings, use hooks, and for necklaces and bracelets, use a clasp and add in the chain.We keep a variety of hundreds of different arts & crafts supplies exactly because we want you to be inspired! Browse supplies by department and place your order now.

Fun Crafts You Can Make with Crepe Paper Sheets


Super versatile and with tactile and auditory ASMR qualities, crepe paper is a fun and popular material used in arts and crafts. Paper in general is such versatile medium for the creation of art that there’s a wide range of art categories that primarily use paper as the only component required for the crafting process—origami, for example.

Crepe paper on its own is a variation of tissue paper that’s been coated with glue, gelatin, or starch and then added to a paper pulp to create the unique crinkling texture it’s known for. Crepe paper has many versatile properties that include durability, tensile strength and flexibility!

Due to its affordability, crepe paper is easily accessible and can be purchased in bulk. There’s a load of fun crafts ideas involving crepe paper that include jewelry, party decorations, and even home décor! We’re going to go over some fantastic ideas that only require minimal arts & crafts supplies in addition to crepe paper.


Crepe paper flowers are perfect for home décor in that they can look just as striking without ever wilting!

Materials you’ll need:

  • Scissors
  • Wire
  • Glues and adhesives

To make layered flowers, place two differently colored crepe sheets on top of one another and cut a strip out from the double-layering. Cut arches on one side to create a petal-like appearance. For the flower stem, take a folded wire and insert the folded end into a crumpled up ball of crepe paper. Take a square cut-out of another crepe sheet and wrap it on the ball using wire and spray with an adhesive to secure the structure in place. Take the strip of petals you previously created with the arched side outwards, and roll the other end around the stem, pinching it. Once that’s done, use wire to secure around the petals.

Sun Catchers

Sun catchers are reflective ornaments that can be used as home décor to hang on your windows. You’ll need the following materials:
  • Cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Glues and adhesives

Select a shape. It can be anything from a star to a heart. Cut your shape out from the cardboard, then from the middle, cut out more cardboard so you’re left with borders in your desired shape. Use multiple colored crepe paper sheets and create square or rectangular shaped strips of them using scissors. Use glue to then start sticking one end of the strips to the edges of the border in a way the other end reaches out into the space between the borders. Join paper to paper wherever necessary and you’re done!

Find Inexpensive Craft Supplies Online

Art Cove is our well-established online crafts store in the Queens, NY area. We’re renowned for our enormous selection of arts & crafts supplies that are super budget friendly. Order your supplies from us today!

The Origin, Meaning and Importance of Friendship Bracelets


Bracelet-making may be an old-time crafts skill you learned during art class when you were younger, and then never spared it a thought again as years went by. Friendship bracelets don’t have to be a thing of the past! It’s a common present children offer their friends, and for good reason.

There should be no age-restriction when it comes to reminding your loved ones you always hold them dear. If you’re tight on budget, the beads & jewelry making supplies that are typically needed during the bracelet making process are very light on your pocket! What’s more, they’re portable so you can bring them along with you to work or a family trip.

It’s a given that jewelry making can be a meticulous task especially if you’re trying to somber-up the look for said jewelry to look age-appropriate, but the mechanism in itself is not only cathartic, it makes for a great alternative for a much needed reduction in your daily average of screen time!

This symbolic token of companionship is so rich in history that it makes for a meaningful gift even when exchanged between adults. Origins of different versions of the friendship bracelet can be traced back to many ancient indigenous cultures. Central and South America are widely recorded as the first regions to have used friendship bracelets in the form closest to the one we know now: colorful bands worn around the wrists.

The associated lore goes that you are to make a wish whilst you fasten the bracelet around the wrist of your friend, and when the band unties on its own over time; the wish is meant to come true!

If you’re a newbie at the craft, we’re going to summarize some bracelet-making tips for adults so it’s easy for you to start from scratch!

First things first. Easily accessible, budget friendly beads and jewelry supplies that you’ll need for a more sophisticated bracelet are:

  • Some cord, thread, wire or embroidery floss
  • Casting resin and epoxy
  • Adhesives and glues
  • Acrylic or other kinds of beads and charms
  • Safety pins

Some other elements to add are tassels, metal clasps, and intricate design charms to give a more mature feeling to your bracelets. Moreover, listed below are designs that are simple to make but appear more elegant than an ordinary over-the-top friendship bracelet for children.


Simple but intricate all the same, braided friendship bracelets are great if you want alternating colors to pop on your wrist. If you know the mechanics of hair braiding, you’ve already got this one down!


This design consists of forward and backwards knots, giving rise to an inverted V or zig-zag pattern. This style goes best with your everyday wear.


You’ll need at least four different colors for this design, so the diamond pattern makes for a good colorful bracelet choice without compromising on the mature feel.

Find Inexpensive Craft Supplies Online

At Art Cove, the Beads & Jewelry Making category is one of the top go-to choices for our frequent buyers. We’ve got a bulk of safety pins, many variations of beads,craft jingle bells and other charms at the most cost-effective prices! Order your arts & crafts supplies online now!


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