Craft Supplies For When You Are Homeschooling


Many parents find the idea of homeschooling scary, but around 4% of the American school-going population is homeschooled, amounting to approximately 800,000 students. When first starting, parents may focus on more academic topics. However, arts and crafts are just as essential for a child's development.

The total spend on arts and craft supplies amounts to over $40 billion in America. Not only do craft projects help educate and build key abilities, your children learn physical strength, coordination, and a variety of logical skills while having fun, experimenting, and creating. Such projects can also provide a strong foundation for handwriting, math, and science, among other subjects.

Here is a compilation of the craft materials you need when homeschooling:


Some supplies will come in handy no matter what the project. You should have these essential items in your stack at all times.

  • Paper: Whether it's construction paper or tissue paper, most projects will require the use of a card or paper.
  • Scissors: This is a no-brainer. Stock up on various pairs of scissors so you are ready to tackle every kind of project.
  • Ruler: Measuring things out before starting on a project will cut any complications in half so everything can run smoothly.


These small acrylic balls are very versatile. You can stick some together to make crystal-like décor or string them through a cord to make jewelry, it's guaranteed to keep those little hands busy. Selecting and manipulating beads and jewelry supplies will improve your kids' motor skills too!

Pipe Cleaners

They're flexible, colorful, and useful — what's not to like? From squiggly worms to bubble wands, your little one can create an array of projects with pipe cleaners. With your supervision, your child can learn how to follow instructions, aiding their development in the long run.

Googly Eyes

They are small but amusing. These little things can elevate any craft project and add a bit of fun to it. Add these to your craft supply stash, and you won't regret it! Sticking these eyes on various objects can help improve your children's patience and focus.

Play Dough

Enhance your child's imagination skills with an afternoon of play dough projects. Kids love getting their hands dirty and creating fun shapes.

Popsicle Sticks

Birdhouses, animals, wands — there are countless things you can use popsicle sticks for. Get your child to glue a few together and use craft paint to decorate them, depending on the project.

If you're considering having your kids homeschooled, Art Cove has all these craft supplies available and more at their hobbies and crafts online store. Contact us to help you with your craft material needs.


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