The Ultimate Guide to Resin Art for Beginners


Resin has garnered a lot of popularity in the last decade or so as an art and craft supply. Previously limited to industrial use, resin, also known as epoxy resin, is now a favorite among craft lovers who use it as a base for art projects or finishing purposes.

So if you want to try your hands on making a resin artwork for your living room, this is your guide to start resin-ing.

Material and Tools

Resin art involves a handful of supplies and tools, and to start with it, you should have your hands on all the required stuff.

Epoxy Resin

Epoxy resin is a liquid substance with adhesive quality used as the basis of resin art. This can be poured on any surface or mold to achieve the desired result.


A hardener is the second component of resin art that’s mixed with epoxy to transform it into a hard, plastic-like substance.

Mold or Canvas

Depending on the artwork you want to make, you’ll need a mold or canvas to work on. If you’re making a keychain, you’ll need a mold for shaping the resin, and if you’re looking for a wall clock with resin art, you’ll need a canvas to put in all the elements.

Masks, Gloves and Goggles

To ensure the safety of your skin, eyes and respiration, you’ll need to wear protective gear when working with resin.


Pigments for colors, glitter and other decorative material are needed to enhance the beauty of resin art. Depending on what you have in mind, you’ll need materials like plastic beads, buttons, flowers etc.


Measuring cups, spatula, mixers and other tools will be needed to work with resin. You may also need a silicon mat or sheets to cover the area, as working with resin can be messy.

Get Started

Here’s your step-by-step guide to making something stunning out of resin.


Watch tutorials, take a look at Pinterest and decide what kind of resin artwork you want to create. Follow these steps when working with resin:


By now, you must have all the tools to carry out the artwork. Prepare the area you’ll work in and set your tools.


Mix the epoxy with a hardener to get started. Determine the ratio of your epoxy and hardener, depending on the design you’re aiming to create.


Pour the resin mix on the canvas or mold to achieve the desired art.


Add decorative elements such as glitters, twigs, buttons, etc., to add an exciting touch to your artwork.


Finish with a finishing spray, glossy glaze or another layer of epoxy resin.


Resin artworks usually require 72 hours to harden and cure. Once you have completed your piece, wait it out and enjoy the spectacular piece of art you have made.

If you’re interested in getting started with resin art, head over to Art Cove for bulk art supplies. We have over 8,000 craft supplies online, including plaster molds, plastic beads and other elements for resin art. Get in touch today to place an order.


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