Macramé 101: A Simple Guide


Macramé knots and patterns are one of the easiest and most affordable crafts ever. All you need are some tools and basic knowledge about the knots, and you're good to go. Here's a guide for people who are starting out with this craft.

Special Terms

Knotting Cord

This cord is used to make knots for any particular macramé design.

Knot-bearing Cord

It's the cord on which you wrap your knotting cords around.


It's the same knot repeated multiple times to form a repeating pattern.

Types of Macramé Knots

Reverse Larkshead Knot

This knot is famous for attaching the cords with the ring or rod on the top. To begin, fold the cord halfway. Then loop it below the ring with all the faces of the cords up. Now pull that loop over the ring and pull the cords through that loop — making a shape of a pretzel. Secure the knot by pulling the cords together.

Half Knot

Begin with 4 cords. The middle cords in this arrangement are considered the knot bearing cords, and outer cords will be considered the knotting cords. Begin by bringing the left cord toward the right cord over the 2 knot bearing cords and under the right knotting cord. Then bring the knotting cords on the right toward the left side from above the left knotting cord and below the 2 knot bearing cords. Secure the knot by pulling the cords.

Square Knot

You can make a square knot by making a sennit with half knots. To make a square knot, you perform the first half of the steps to make the half knot and then finish making a square by making another half knot.

Half Hitch (Vertical)

This knot has a lot of variations. Begin with two cords. The left cord will be the knotting cord, and the right will be the knot bearing cord. Bring the knotting cord above the knot bearing cord. Wrap the left cord around the right cord. Make a loop by bringing the left cord under and back over itself. Pull and secure this half stitch. Continue this process for a sennit.

Get Your Macramé Supplies from Art Cove

Are you looking to find discounted art supplies online? Check out Art Cove. Our art and craft supplies are affordable, letting you explore and experiment with the lost art of macramé. Our online store has got it all, from high-quality cords and beads, to paints and brushes. Check out our Facebook page for more updates.


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