Fun and Sustainable Crafts for Your Children


Two children making arts and crafts on a table.

There are numerous benefits of children playing outside in the sun and open air. However, you don’t always have time to take them to a playground or spend time driving them around. So, what do you do when you are restricted but still want to keep your kids entertained and engaged?

Since the pandemic, people have become creative and surprisingly comfortable with different situations. Similarly, when parents don’t have time to take their kids to playgrounds, they come up with activities at home. From creating indoor games to emphasizing the use of arts and crafts supplies, there are so many things children can now do at home.

If you want to limit your children’s screen time while ensuring they don’t get bored, we’ve come up with some creative and sustainable craft ideas for you. Let’s explore.

Home Bird Feeders

Involving your children in nature is a great way to keep them curious, active, and compassionate. Unless you have a pet, there’s only so much that you can do. We would suggest spending time with your children creating bird feeders for your backyards and front porches.

You can use recycled bottles, cups, and other plastic containers to turn them into bird feeders. Use some paint, glitter, and ornaments.

Dream Catchers

 Colorful dream catchers hanging against the wall.

When you’re stuck with the kids at home, try suggesting redoing their room with some hand-made décor. You can use wooden embroidery hoops to create aesthetic dream catchers for their rooms.

You can use different colors to create bright combinations and hang them in different places around the room. Add some faux feathers to complete the entire look.

Braided Bracelets

You can easily find jewelry-making supplies online that you can introduce to your kids and urge them to start creating braided bracelets. This can become an easy and fun way to make presents for friends, family members, and more.

Make Weekends Exciting with Art Cove

Whether you’re looking to pick a new crafting hobby or want stuff for your kids to play with, Art Cove’s online craft store has it all. We sell painting supplies, wooden embroidery hoops, crochet hooks, and other craft supplies online. But that’s not all; we offer free shipping on orders above $150. Browse our categories and learn more about our products and services.


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