Date Night at Home: 5 Best Couple’s Crafts


We’d never date to tell you how to manage your relationship, but if you don’t enjoy date night every other week with your partner, you’re doing it wrong!

Date night is not a luxury but a necessity. It leads to emotional connectedness and adds depth to your relationship.

It’s more than indulging in romance and help get to know each other. If you’re looking for something beyond than typical movie night, we’ve got just the thing: couple’s craft!

Here are the best crafting activities to do with your partner on a date night at home:


Enjoy a coloring session with your sweetheart for a creative and crafty date night. You’d be surprised to see how fun and relaxing coloring can be.

The best part is that you don’t have to be an expert at coloring. Pick a drawing that you like and color it however you want.There are many health benefits of coloring for adults. You and your partner will appreciate the stress-free time and unwind all the negative energy.

DIY Photo album

Do you and your partner take a lot of photos? Why not make a DIY photo album to put your pictures and enjoy a low-key date night?

Online websites like Pinterest are full of DIY photo frame ideas that you can use as an inspiration. You can start with some basic ideas.

Abstract paint together

Love is an abstract concept, paint with your partner to create your very own abstract love painting and understand your love at a deeper level.

It’s all about the experience, so don’t get worried about being structured. Pour wine in glasses to keep the creative juices flowing and start painting.All you need for abstract paint is canvas, colors, and infinite creativity that goes beyond realms of current and past paradigms.

DIY Popcorn basket

If your regular date nights include movies and Netflix (… and chill), you might enjoy creating a DIY popcorn basket for a date night in.

For example, if you’re planning to watch The Notebook together (even though you watched it gazillion times), you can design a beautiful basket and write “If you’re a bird, I’m a bird” on it.

A picker wheel

If the purpose of indulging in couple’s craft on your date night is to spice things up, a picker wheel is just what you need.

Gather your craft or art supplies, including cardboard sheets, colors, glue, etc., and create a giant picker wheel. You can make it functional by using a fidget spinner.

Like date night dice, a picker wheel will allow you to enjoy an intimate date night and have some fun while you’re at it.

Do you want to buy arts and crafts supplies online? Artcove is your one-stop solution! We have a variety of art and craft material to enjoy a memorable date night with your partner. From paints to craft supplies, we have it all! You can enjoy free shipping if you order over $150 (US only). Visit our online store today.


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