Are Brooms Still A Cool Craft?


Broom crafts are at the top of the list when it comes to a single craft that is both traditional and universal.

Whether you want to use them as a decoration for your home or make them go with a witch or Harry Potter Halloween costume, there's no denying how wonderful and magical they'll look. You can either buy it from an online craft store or make your own, which is more enjoyable and doesn't take as much time as you think.

For your convenience, we've compiled a list of the fewest resources required for a quick and easy DIY project.

Here are some materials that you'll be needing:

· Pruners or scissors

· Jute Twine/ribbon/6mm Macrame Cord

· Dried branches/Twigs/Long dry grass

· Multi-use Glue

DIY #1: Crafting a Broom Using Dried Twigs

Follow these instructions if you're crafting a broom with dry twigs:

1. Collect a variety of dry twigs for the bristles and a long thick branch for the broomstick handle from a field or anywhere it is handy. You may also collect wild weeds for bristles to construct a thick broom. You can glue two together if you can't find a long, thick branch.

2. Use a pruner or a scissor to cut a clump of twigs and wild weeds at the root to size them appropriately.

3. Wrap them around the long branch you'll be using as a broomstick.

4. Tie the twigs and wild weeds as tightly as possible around the branch with jute twine or a ribbon to secure them in place

5. Your craft broom is ready.

DIY #2: Craft a Broom Using Dry Grass

Follow these instructions if you're crafting a broom with dry grass:

1. Gather dry grass with long soft blades and a long branch from a field or a garden.

2. If the grass is too dry to use, soak it in water for a few minutes to soften it. If you can't find an appropriate-sized branch, you can use two and glue them together.

3. Line the dry grass along the branch so that the bristles end points towards the top of the broomstick and tie it with jute twine or a ribbon to secure it in place.

4. Next, flip the grass (make sure it is not too dry; otherwise, it will start breaking) so the bristles point downwards towards the bottom of the broomstick.

5. Your dry grass craft broom is ready.

If you're looking to make a cool sweep broomstick, here's a quick video tutorial that you can use and craft an easy broomstick.

Buy Craft Material Online with Art Cove Crafts

If you're looking for discounted craft supplies online, you've come to the right place. At Art Cove Crafts, we offer art and craft supplies online. You can browse our product categories and get your hands on anything you like, whether you want to buy plaster molds or jewelry-making supplies.

Contact us for more information.


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